Friday, December 10, 2004

Dreaming at SapnaOnline! is our home grown Indian edition of Amazon.

I thought I would probably get a chance for ordering good design related books, but a User Experience issue pestered me to blog about it.

Every new page that popped up at would have a JavaScript popup like the following appear:

Now what would this mean to an architecture student who was trying to lay his hands on a couple of good books?

"Some remoting thingy? Ah, well..."

How do you expect the User to know what RSEnableRemoteScripting is? And whether that method is invoked or not?

And to top that, if he decided to try his luck answering that question, maybe by Clicking a Yes or No he sees a single option that mocks at him saying OK!!!

Why pop that message at all, if all it offers to be is just an obstacle, and doesn't make a difference whatsoever, whether it appears or not.


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