Saturday, April 22, 2006

Defying UI Patterns

Sign me out! Now!

"I spent a while to figure out where I log out from this system!" a perplexed colleague called out.

A banking company has been doing a lot of interesting stuff without knowing if it works.

As soon as the User gets used to your antics (the way you want them to do things!) you make things tougher for them.

Now, look at the above picture. This signout looks like a badge or an award image, or almost parallel to a digital signature authority banner.

Why can it not be just a simple 'hyperlink'?


Blogger Navi said...

this is true amit,, even I took lot of time to found out where the logout button is when I used it for the first time.

today only I happen to see your blog.. great work... cheers

naveen bhaskar
( in case you dont remember: I am from mcafee)

9:57 AM  

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