Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Design Trends

A talk with Mr. Ashok Panwalkar of Philips Design revealed the fact that 'honest' design, meaning subtle, not-so-loud, and overly minimalistic design was the new direction, we will all be taking.

Is it just a bow down to the occident, changing our virtues, and crippling our design sense, and impeding our visual affinity?

Many of us have been huge fans of ethnography - always trying to figure out the target audience before executing anything. For one, would Asians be amused to the mediumistic design culture, and the minimalistic approach?

A Discussion at CORE77 with cg's inputs give us an idea where design is going:

What we are seeing more and more, with every passing day:

  • Knobs appearing on electronic products
  • Extruded forms (think iPod mini)
  • The DIY look
  • The Pimped-out look
  • Mass-Design (think Target, DWR)
  • Simplicity and Purity (think Google, Apple...)
  • "sucked-in" replaces "poofed-out" (think BMW)
  • Pop-out UI's (think OSX and Flash)
  • Subtle 3D replaces superflat graphics
  • Flatter is better (think Motorola RAZR, flatpanels, PS2)
  • The BLOG aesthetic (think ID magazine)
  • Lots of fun with blue LED's
  • Less-Big (think Hummer H3, Supersize)

Fashion colors of the Season? Will they affect websites and online media in days to come?


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